Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Day of Outings

Boy was today busy -- I'm definitely going to sleep well tonight.  Maybe I'll even make it 4 hours straight!

We woke up early today as my tummy was rumbling and I needed something in my belly.  After a cozy morning, Mommy told me we were taking a car ride to the doctor's office.  He's really nice and I like going to see him -- or at least I did!  I don't know what he did to my tongue but it hurt!  Mommy couldn't watch.  He said it would help me to nurse better and I'm all about getting my food so it's probably worth it.  After a few minutes I felt back to normal and it was back napping to prepare for later.

Mommy and I came home then (yeah another car ride!) and we both had lunch.  Then Grandma came over and helped me get all pretty for my one month pictures!  I put on a brand new outfit and even tried on the tart hat my Aunt Suzanne mad me.  Mommy, Grandma and I headed over to this new place called Sears so I could pose for the camera.  I wasn't really feeling my best today, though, and that bright light they kept flashing in my face made me mad!  All in all, Mommy says we got some good shots.

After the pictures were taken, I hopped back into my stroller and we went shopping -- my first shopping trip ever!  Mommy needed some new clothes cause apparently her old ones still don't fit.  I don't know what she's talking about.  She's smaller than I've ever seen her but then I don't have a large time line to work with.

Anyways, we went shopping at the mall and Kohls for Mommy's clothes as well as a birthday present for Aunt Suzanne.  They said I was a good little shopper.  Mommy said it was a tiring day but I felt great!  Then again, I slept most of the time in my comfy stroller.

As a perfect end to the day, Daddy came home earlier than normal and we got to snuggle on the couch.  Then, all three of us went for another nice long walk in the evening.  Another snack and it's off to bed for me!

Good Night, Big World!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Meeting More Family

There are so many people to meet in this new world!  I'm a month old and still finding new friends to snuggle with.

Today I got to meet my Uncle Matt and Aunt Carrie.  Apparently Uncle Matt lives pretty far away so it took him longer to get here to see me.  I enjoyed being cuddled so much!  They're both awesome and kept me nice and warm and loved for hours. :)

After they left I really needed some cuddle time with Mommy -- new family is awesome but I missed Mommy's snuggles.  To reward her I gave her my first smiles.  She's always smiling at me so I figured I would return the favor.  It felt so good to smile back -- just something about turning up the cheeks that makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.

I wonder how many more people I'm going to meet in my life time.  Mommy says I have a long time ahead of me and will never run out of new people or experiences.  I can't imagine there being more people out there as so many have already come around to love me!

Me and Uncle Matt

Me and Aunt Carrie

Monday, May 14, 2012


So for Mother's Day Mommy and Daddy took me on my first road trip!  I got to go to Great Grandma D's house over in Tiffin.  They say the day was for moms, but I sure got most of the attention.  I don't think I was put down even once except when I needed a diaper change. *sheepish look*

I got all dressed up in a lady bug outfit to go visit everyone -- I had to look my best so they'd see how cute I am!  There were a few faces I hadn't met before but some of them seemed familiar from my first week or so.
Me and Aunt Suzanne

Me and Godfather Reid
Me and Great Aunt Connie

Me and Great Uncle Tony

Oh and since it was Mother's Day I had my personal shopper (Daddy) help me pick out a present for Mommy -- a locket where she can put pictures of me to have with her always. :)

Tonight we also got to Skype with Meemaw and my Uncle Matt -- I'm going to meet him next week to and my soon-to-be Aunt Carrie.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ever-Expanding World

So, yesterday was Daddy's birthday and apparently they decided to go somewhere without me!  How rude!  I did help mom bake the cake after all -- at least I let her bake it without interrupting.

However, this did mean I got to spend some quality time with my Grandma and Grandpa -- and I got to go see where they live!!  Up until now I thought they just appeared and disappeared whenever I needed some snuggling.  It was so cool to take a car ride and then spend a few hours in a new place.  This world must be bigger than I know. :)  There were lots of pictures taken and I didn't have to sit by myself hardly at all.  Mommy and Daddy came back too quickly - I was enjoying all the attention and cuddles.

Today, Daddy put together my new stroller and we actually got to take it out for a test ride tonight!  Mommy couldn't walk very far yet, but we did make it around the block.  It was so much fun!  It went by way too fast though cause I fell asleep and didn't really get to see everything there was out there, but there's always tomorrow!

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lexi the Sprout

My Auntie Sue sent me a present yesterday!  She loves to knit and now I give her an excuse to make cute little things.  Apparently, most baby patterns are based on food or plants, but that's just fine with me!  I dressed up as a little sprout yesterday!

Two weeks old and I'm already more stylin' than my Mommy and Daddy! :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm Growing!

Mommy and Grandma D took me to the doctor man again today, but this time he didn't poke or prod me at all.  The nurse just put me on a big metal thingy.  Apparently I've gained 14 oz since last Friday!  Now I'm 7 lb 13 oz, which Mommy says is good and means that I'm growing.  I got to ride in a car again too, which is totally fun!

I'm looking forward to this weekend when Meemaw comes to visit.  I haven't seen her since I was born and I miss her!  I hope she's up for some good cuddle and snuggle time.  I may have grown into one of the outfits she bought me.  I'll need to look my best when she arrives.  Mommy just hopes I don't spit up on the new outfit before Meemaw gets to see me in it.

Daddy's home from work and doesn't have to go back for a couple of days.  I miss him when he's not home.  Mommy's great and all, but Daddy's snuggles are special.  I'm going to try talking him out of this whole work thing so he can stay home with me all the time.

Well, that's all from me today -- 13 days old!