Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lexi's Baptism

Hi again!  I haven't been as faithful writing letters lately, but I've been very busy.  It's a lot of effort learning how the world works.

So on Saturday (6/16/12) I was 8 weeks old.  I celebrated with Meemaw who came for the weekend.  We were also busy preparing for a big party! 

8 weeks old

I was baptized here at Mommy's church on Sunday (6/17/12).  It must be a big deal because we had a dinner and cake and ice cream afterwards!

First we went into the church where it was COLD!  Then Mommy and Grandma made me all pretty in a white lacy dress.  I must be a bit of a tom boy because I wasn't a huge fan of the dress.  We got to go up to the front of the church which is father than I've ever been before.  After that, I don't remember much cause I fell asleep.  In fact, Mommy says I slept right through all this water and other smelly stuff they put on me.

Baptism - Godparents and Parents

Cold Water!!

Parents, Grandparents and Great Grandma D
Afterwards we had a big party at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Everyone came, including my new godparents Aunt Suzanne and Mr. Reid.

It was a lot of people and after awhile I just couldn't take it anymore. Mommy and Grandpa had to take me to a back room.  I got to spend some quality time with Daddy for his first Father's Day. 

First Father's Day - Me and Daddy
I was exhausted from getting passed around. I ended up sleeping a LONG time after Mommy and Daddy took me home.

Meemaw was wonderful and stayed until the following day, so I got to play with her at night and again in the morning. I miss seeing her!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Six Weeks Old!

Six weeks old!

Lexi @ 6 weeks
Today was quite an exciting day!  First, Mommy and Grandma took me shopping for a new outfit.  I get to wear an adorable white dress for my Baptism in two weeks.  We got to go to the mall again and I could people watch while Mommy and Grandma debated between the pretty frocks.

I also got to go to Church with Mommy for the first time today.  Normally I stay home and drive Daddy nuts until Mommy gets home to feed me.  This time I got to drive Mommy nuts in front of a whole bunch of people.  All things considered I was very well behaved.  Mommy didn't have to take me out once, although she did have to feed me a bottle halfway through.  I even got to go up with Mommy in line and see that big head guy -- I think she called him the priest.  He was very nice and gave me a blessing.

When we got home, my parents ate dinner while I napped -- it had been a pretty tiring day!  I was up for one more outing, though.  We went for a short walk.  Unfortunately, Mommy and Daddy are babies and had to cut it short cause it was "too cold".  I don't know what they were talking about.  I was pretty comfy in my stroller and blanket.

Just another day in the life of Lexi Grace.